Monday, November 5, 2007

Whether you are a business owner, contractor or even a landscaper, Industrial Products & Equipment is here to do work for you while you maintain business.

My personal background comes from working at a nursery for nearly six years gradually going up the ladder from a mere plant water girl to office manager/secretary to the owner. I could operate and use John Deere 6675 and 270 skid steers all over the nursery including loading mulch for customers and our landscape crew when necessary. Of course I also could switch from the bucket to the forks to remove b&b trees and shrubs off the company trucks.

As the office manager/secretary I made countless trips to our local John Deere dealer ordering/picking up parts and equipment being repaired.

One of my greatest accomplishments has to be fixing one of the skid steers to relieve the stress of moving heavy 20+ gallon trees around a 13 acre nursery. One of two 270 skid steers had been left out at the owner's farm for about a week or so unprotected. Field rats had chewed through some of the wires and at first the landscape foreman thought it was just a fuse that went bad. Unfortunately the bucket was flat on the ground and the joysticks refused to work. Eventually he decided he would pop a wheelie to get it on the trailer and bring it back to the nursery, 20 minutes away.

After work a gentelman would come by to work on the skid steer and replaced the fuses as well as repaired some wires. For about a day and half that worked. Then it quit again. The retail part of the nursery was without a skid steer-to load mulch, trees, shrubs and of course the ability to move plants around the nursery without breaking our backs.

It was eventually determined that the guage panel needed to be replaced, including the ignition switch- all located above your head.

Two days later I finally had enough of being without something to help everyone move plants around and losing business over what I considered a simple task to fix.

I called the John Deere dealer in regards to the guage panel as to if it had arrived. Sure enough it had. I then called Travis, the young gentleman that works on the skid steers after business hours for us. He agreed to walk me through the process of changing out the panels. I was excited.

I skipped lunch to go get the guage panel. I come back screwdriver (required the star head, mind you)and all. I easily unscrewed the defective panel, unplugging everything and changed out the ignition switch. I finally got the new guage panel installed.

Now came the time to crank the skid steer and see if if the bucket would move. I admit I was anxious. I put my seat belt on and flipped the safety switch and pressed the pedal down that operates the bucket itself. It worked! I tested the boom to see if it would go up and then to see if the entire skid steer would move. It did!

The funniest part had to be when I came from behind the barn and the owner, in his truck, seen me driving it. He was amazed at my determination. The best part though was seeing the looks on the retail employees faces- absolute relief that they no longer had to use the wagons to pull around one or two 15 & 20 gallon trees at a time.

That was not my only time I worked on a skid steer. I helped repair a skid steer that needed a starter replaced- the 6675, which was a tedious job to say the least.

I understand what down time means and it is no fun at all. You lose precious time and business.

That is why I am here to serve YOU. As the founder, Arnie Hernandez has taught both Mike and I, it is much more important to his business that he makes friends with clients alike than just making another sale.

If we know that a specific item can be purchased at a lower cost we will tell you!

Recently, we had received a quote request from a gentleman regarding a very expensive computer part for a piece of equipment. Rather than just call him back and quote him the price for a new one, Mike suggested he try using electronic contact cleaner on the contacts before breaking down and buying an item that is going to cost the business thousands of dollars. The gentleman was extremely thankful that Mike instead gave him this advice- he had not thought of before.

Industrial Products & Equipment, Inc. sources new/used equipment, parts, supplies, and tools for individuals and businesses all around the globe. Let us assist you. Visit our website.

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